When is a team not a team?
A lot of people on the internet promote one or more popular money making sites, they buy visitors at many popular sites, they surf the popular traffic exchanges, and possibly use some big PTC sites etc..
If you were the only promoter in the world it would be great, your sales and sign-up rates would be amazing and you would probably be the richest person in the entire universe, but sadly that's not the case, ten's of thousands of other people are all doing the same things as you. They are surfing the same sites, they are buying traffic from the same sources as you, they could be doing exactly the same things as you and you have no control over it.
It's a big problem.
How many times have you surfed a traffic exchange or purchased traffic to get no results, it sucks, yep somebody beat you to it and did it first, in fact hundreds or thousands of other people could have done exactly the same promotions before you.
So how is JoeGeo.com different?
JoeGeo allows you to add all your sites and gives you a special short URL to promote instead.
JoeGeo then uses very advanced traffic filtering and stores who has seen what site, this means you don't waste your traffic by sending the same people to the same sites again and again and again.
But it gets even better, because our system allows you to be part of a special JoeGeo team, this means
if other members have sent a person to a site then you don't have to send your traffic to it
if other members have sent a person to a site then you don't have to send your traffic to it
if other members have sent a person to a site then you don't have to send your traffic to it
This free's up your traffic so you can send it to sites the people have not seen. Its almost like your the only promoter in the world, its like you can be the first person to show all your visitors that new amazing money making site.
History makes this possible, without history we would all make the same mistakes again and again.
All your promotions are still fully independent, you still have complete control over your promotion efforts, but you gain from what other people have done in the past, and best of all it does it all automatically for you, how cool is that :-)
Did I mention that JoeGeo.com is actually FREE to join and free to use???